0 votes
I run the .exe version of openLCA 1.11.0 and worked through the bottle tutorial (1.3 June 2020). After hitting the calculate button (irrespective of the Impact assessment method (I tried two different) or the calculation type (quick results and analysis tested)) the system gives me error messages "openLCA.exe does not work anymore - searching for a solution for the problem" followed by "openLCA.exe does not work anymore - Due to a problem the programme does not work properly. The programme will be closed and you will be contacted when a solution is available".

Could it help to run an older version? Or install the programme on the pc?
in openLCA by (160 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
by (131k points)

Hi Veronika,

could you provide some background please - I have not heard of this message before. Also, ideally, screenshots.

Could it help to ...  install the programme on the pc?

You are running it now on a Mac (which works too, but starting first time can be more complicated depending on the Mac OS), or what do you mean?

Thank you,


0 votes
by (160 points)
edited by

Dear Andreas

thank you for the quick answer; here are the screenshots:

I am running the .exe-version of openLCA 1.11.0 on a windows-server and was just wondering whether the installed version might be better?

Thank you! best regards Veronika

by (160 points)
P.S. 14.10.22 10:14h: localy the .exe allows the calculation of the impact assessment; maybe it is a problem of the server settings