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I'm trying to install the last version of Collaboration server into a debian 12.

I could install elasticsearch, java 8 and tomcat8

I put the war file lca-collaboration-server-2.0.2_2023-06-20.war into the webapp directory of tomcat

I put the lca-collaboration-server-installer-2.0.1_2023-07-20.jar file into /opt/

In mysql i created an empty database

Now when i start launching java -jar lca-collaboration-server-installer-2.0.1_2023-07-20.jar i get this :

Welcome to the LCA Collaboration Server installer.

Please specify if you want to (i)nstall, (m)igrate from version 1.3 or (c)ancel: i
Path to the data directory for the collaboration server (should be empty):

If i leave empty the answer process run and never ask me another question.

If i put the /opt/openlca answer it ask only for database connexion with a succes and that's all.

I can see do directory into /opt/openlca git and bin

Then i start the tomcat and it create the webapp/openlca directory with all inside.

But i never get to the web page http://IP:8080/openlca

I bet i forget something into the tomcat configuration but what?

Can you help me with that please?

in LCA Collaboration Server by (120 points)

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