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In the previous version of openLCA and collab server, you'd get prompted to trust a given server's cert if you connect over https. It would then store the cert in <openLCA data dir>\ssl-certificates. I'm now in openLCA 2.0.3 and collaboration server 2.0.5 (I think), and I don't get that prompt anymore. Is there a place to store trusted certs with openLCA 2.0.3? Are they needed?

in LCA Collaboration Server by (5.3k points)

1 Answer

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by (8.9k points)
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Best answer
You can store the certificate, if necessary, in {openLCA-data-dir}/ssl-certificates
by (5.3k points)
We've found that you need to download the site certificate and the certificate chain into the folder for openLCA 2.X to work with collaboration server 2.X, at least in our environment. For example, saving the certificates as "domain.com.pem" and "domain.com-chain.pem" worked for us.