0 votes

I am running openLCA v2.1.1 on 

  • MacOS 14.4.1 (Sonoma)
  • MacBook Pro M2 16 inch
The welcome page is not displaying correctly.
The background is white and text is only partially showing up.
in openLCA by (390 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
by (7.8k points)
selected by
Best answer
Hi jsheeshen303,

The image was missing in the DMG. You can download the updated 2.1.1 from openlca.org.

Thanks for notifying us.

by (7.8k points)
Thanks for the feedback!
–1 vote
by (820 points)
I am running version 2.1.1 non Macbook Pro M2 Max sonoma 14.4.1 but it crashes when I perform calculation.

I run a process but the software closes after few seconds. I am forced to instal previous version
by (7.8k points)
Hi tarlon.s,
Could you, please, create a new question? Your problem might look related, but it is a different topic.
Thanks in advance!