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Hi Everyone,

I am working on a renewable power plant on top of a mountainous area. Now all packaging items are to be considered as waste.

For my input and output
1. Packaging from manufacturing:
Input: corrugated board box, flat pallet, plywood etc. (Materials to secure the other large items) let's say the mass of the packed items alone in total are 100 kg.
Output: Packed materials

2. Plant to site Transportation
Input: Packed Materials; lorry EURO4; sea container ship;

Output: Transported materials + waste?
How do i model the waste? there are no exact waste for plywood, steels, pallets, boxes etc.

Should I just use proxy from elementary flow? say add wood and others which will total 100kg.

Any inputs are greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
in openLCA by (260 points)

1 Answer

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by (3.3k points)
check openlca nexus for packaging, also check the meta data to see if they already have accounted for packaging, many data sets do. if you think that construction in a mountainous regioun will have more packaging than normal, determine some scaling factor and increase it accordingly