0 votes
A few of my processes disappeared from the list of processes on the left-hand side (navigation), but I can see them in the model, and I can open them from the open provider. When I search for their name, I can find them; however, there is no green address line under them. It seems that they do not have any location.
Could you help me to fix this issue?
in openLCA by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (7.8k points)

Hello Zeynab Yousefzadeh,

We are aware of this issue and we will try to fix it in the next releases. For the time being you can run this script to set the category of the hidden process to "recovery" (Tools -> Developer Tools -> Python):

processes = db.getAll(Process)
c = Category.of("recovery", ModelType.PROCESS)
for p in processes:
if p.category is None:
print("Resetting the category of " + p.name)
p.category = c

It will take quite some time, especially if your DB is large.



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