May I ask why the usage of the system process database is still popular in openLCA in cases when there is the choice between unit and system process databases for exactly the same datasets?
Disadvantages of ecoinvent system process database compared to the unit process database:
- no supply chain visible, no sankey diagram and no contribution tree possible
- much slower in importing and exporting, much slower in making backups, much slower when searching flows or other database entries, since the system process version has millions of calculated inventory entries
- no possibility to customize system processes to its own needs/data as it can be done for unit processes
- nowadays no advantage anymore in calculation times, since the unit process database of ecoinvent has calculation times of a few seconds in the newest openLCA software
- hiding the supply chain for confidentiality is not an advantage, because it can be also done in the unit process database by saving the result as a system process if needed
The only very little advantage I can think of is that with the impact analysis tab several results from processes can be clicked through very quickly without pressing calculate first or in cases where the system process database is needed for other tools/software/tables where no matrix calculations can be performed. Sharing certain fully aggregated data sets might be easier, too, but again this can be also done with the unit process version by saving the results as a system process. I'm curious if there is use cases that I'm missing.