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Hi all, 

I am using ecoinvent 3.11 APOS to model a waste sorting plant and having issues with waste flows. The waste sorting plant is itself a waste producing process because some scrap is removed through the process and sent to landfill. This scrap material is in the output side of the process as a waste flow, following the material flow logic. 

I have then created a waste treatment process, where the scrap material (waste flow) from sorting is the input and the quantitative reference. This process is also set as the provider for the waste flow in the waste producing process. 

The main issue is the output of the waste treatment process. I have selected the flow "process-specific burdens, sanitary landfill"  as an output, but the software does not give me the option to select a provider for it which means that its impact comes up as 0 after the LCIA. 

I can, however, select a provider if I mark it as avoided product but this is not accurate and also results in a negative value as the impact. I can counter this by changing my input waste value to a negative value but this seems incorrect. Because using waste flows and material flow logic is supposed to remove the need of using negative values. 

So where am I going wrong here?

Many thanks for your help.

in openLCA by (120 points)
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