+1 vote

What is port number used by Elascticseach?

It is not writed in the documentation LCA_CS_Manual_20180628.pdf or https://github.com/GreenDelta/lca-collaboration-server-log/blob/master/LCA_CS_Manual_20180628.pdf (page 35)

Jar file lca-collaboration-installer-1.1.0-2019-05-16.jar ask several answers, like this

Command launch:

sudo java -jar lca-collaboration-installer-1.1.0-2019-05-16.jar
Welcome to the LCA Collaboration Server installer.

i(nstall)/u(pgrade)/c(ancel) i
Please specify a directory to create the database in: /opt/collab/database
Please specify a directory to create the repositories in: /opt/collab/repositories
Please specify a directory to store library information in: /opt/collab/libraries
Please specify the elastic search cluster name: elasticsearch
Please specify the elastic search host: localhost
Please specify the elastic search port: ??? 9200 or 9300

Thank for your help

in LCA Collaboration Server by (370 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (5.3k points)
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Best answer

You're probably well beyond needing this but for future reference, I believe the default port is 9200. The setting is in <elasticsearch>/config/elasticsearch.yml as http.port.

If you're running windows you can run the command below in powershell to see if you get a response:

Invoke-WebRequest http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty=true


curl http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty=true
by (370 points)

Thank you for your answer. Everything works well with port 9200.
